Computer Aided Deposit Evaluation
Objective of Computer Aided Deposit Evaluation is to:
- Achieve enhanced knowledge of the deposit and ensure its optimum utilization.
- Ensure cost effective mining operations and raw mix design for effective production planning and extend deposit life.
The evaluation covers the following:
- Assessment of errors in estimates for various estimations of assay values.
- Preparation of isopleth and thickness maps for selected grades.
- Preparation of grade/ tonnage tables for mineral reserves.
- Preparation of block maps to depict the slice plans of quality.
- Undertake Quarry Scheduling and Optimization considering various parameters/ constraints to analyze their impact on mineral reserve, deposit life and economics of mining.
The following modular methodology is adopted in executing Computer Aided Deposit Evaluation (CADE):
Part I : Preparation of Drill Hole Data Base (DHDB)
Part II : Deposit Block Model (DBM)
Part III : Quarry Scheduling & Optimization
It helps an investor:
- Achieve enhanced knowledge of the deposit and ensure its optimum utilization.
- Ensure cost effective mining operations and raw mix design for effective production planning.
- Reduce drilling costs, conserve fuel, homogenize product quality and extend deposit life.