Environmental Impact Assessment/ Environmental Management Planning
Objective of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)/ Environmental Management Planning (EMP) study is to:
- Facilitate Environmental Studies for mining and industrial projects.
- Assess the likely impact of a project on all relevant environmental parameters.
- Prepare Environment Management Plan to mitigate adverse impacts.
- Facilitate speedy clearances from regulatory agencies.
It covers:
- Formulation of project concept.
- Study existing environmental scenario.
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
- Environmental Management Plan (EMP).
- Statutory Environmental Clearance for the project.
Broad methodology for EIA/ EMP studies involves:
- Visits by environment specialist to assess site conditions.
- Collection of data and determination of baseline conditions.
- Assessment of environmental and social impacts of the project.
- Preparation of Environment and Social Management Plan.
It helps an investor procure environmental clearances for the project.